
Theme Reflection Blog

                              Theme Reflection Class began our topic presentations on people with disabilities and special needs. All three groups offered presentations on a variety of special needs and impairments, as well as a wealth of vital and useful information on the issue. There were also some really exceptional folks interviewed! Overall, all three groups did an outstanding job representing special needs persons while highlighting and highlighting some very important organizations that assist these individuals by collecting money, participating in charity walks, donating, creating awareness, and much more.                                                   Group 1 Reflection           Group 1 did an outstandi...

Project #2 Tamiyah Rousseau Reflection

  This project was very exciting, there was an even flow although there were some minor difficulties my group and I were able to pull it through. We all had amazing videos to describe each of our subtopics which was great and very informative!  Each group did such a phenomenal job at presenting their power points by projecting their voices, including attention-grabbing videos and pictures, and interacting with the rest of us in the class. Further, I would like to say once again I love these group projects because we all can work together because Teamwork makes the Dreamwork! When my group presented, I was actually the first person to speak and was kind of nervous but ready and eager to see what my classmates’ reactions would be. Everyone communicated very well with one another, helped each other out when needed, and came with positive energy when it was time to present. First, we all discussed what our subtopics were, and we divided ourselves into groups. Next, one of us ...

Neica Sainvilus Theme presentation Blog

Theme presentation blog(Neica Sainvilus) I really enjoyed the fact that professor Sherri decided to work with Corrine this semester on the theme project. As a person who knows many people who suffer from a disability it's really great professor Sherri decided to make us work on different presentations to bring awareness to many different disabilities. Group 1 presented visual and physical impairment a common disability I'm sure everyone has encountered. particularly I loved Alexandra's slides on farsightedness and nearsightedness. I really didn't know the key differences between those two visual impairments but Alexandra explained both using an image that shows what causes each impairment. in addition, I also enjoy Corrine's interview conducted by Ariel about cerebral palsy. I had a fellow classmate who suffers from cerebral palsy, I didn't really know the name of her disability but through Ariel's slides and Corrine's points on the disability, I now kno...

Theme Refection Blog

Deaf/Hard of hearing symbol This theme was something I found interesting before we had even discussed it in class; it was about disabilities, and seeing the results from each group had been amazing. Seeing how other groups immediately knew what they could work with, brainstorming immediately when in break-out rooms, and asking questions that help us all, in the end, made me appreciate not just my group but all the groups in our class. This assignment taught us a lot, gave way to helping those who can learn as we have from these presentations, and in the process, means all the more when more learn about these topics. Each group went into perfect detail about its themes. Some even had me taking a moment after class to further look into what they have said, it captured my attention and held it, and that is a fantastic thing to have accomplished as a group after a presentation. Knowing the audience's attention grew to start listening but acknowledge and want to know more about what a g...

theme reflection blog

      summary:           Our second presentation was a theme project an we had to talk about the disabilities. So group three choose two type of disabilities. the type of disabilities was deaf/ hard of hearing and learning disabilities. For our group slip the work we had 13 people in our group so divided the work equally with a partner, so we could research each condition with learning disabilities and deaf/ hard hearing. So by community with our group we did a great presentation text in our group chat by doing our assign work we help each other with something we did understand in our part assignment and we also communicate during class in blackboard. We all send link or article what to each other to find any information about about learning disabilities and deaf/ hard of hearing.  For this assignment we need information about for type of disabilities like history, type of disabilities, any Organization and interview.  teamwork...

Lorena Rivero

                                                     Team Work                      A few days ago, we did a second presentation in group. We were divided in the same three groups by the teacher instructions. I am very happy to remain with the same classmates. We are such a great group because we work very well as a team. Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Specific Learning Disabilities was our theme for the presentation, in which we had to research and develop some topics for the project. We agreed to divide into small groups and in that way cover all the material investigating each topic. In that way the work became easier and efficient. Local and national associations and organizations involved of Dyslexia, was my topic to research. I was nervous but not as much as I was the last presentation. I felt a lit...

Jose Vega Theme Project Reflection

      Our second presentation of the semester was a theme presentation and we had to talk about disabilities. As for my group (group 3), we decided to do further research on deaf/hard of hearing and specific learning disabilities, that being dyslexia and comprehensive reading disorder. At first, it was confusing as to what we had to do exactly. However, as a group, we met through blackboard and came up with a game plan to complete this assignment given to us. Our group consisted of around thirteen class members and we divided the work evenly. In addition, I want to let whoever is reading this know that the work was divided evenly and by choice. Nobody was forced to do a topic they did not want to do. Furthermore, we created google slides and made sure everyone was able to edit and write in order to start on our presentation. Some of us did interviews with close relatives who had these disabilities and I would say it motivated us to search more about these topics. Whenever...

Madelaine Fernandez

  Our second presentation was in June. The teacher decided to divide the students into the same three groups. In this way, we gather better information, and we manage to create a good presentation. In my group, we are still 13 members. I am happy because my classmates are very kind and responsible. In our WhatsApp group we communicate, and the leader created a google slide to make our slides. Then within our group, we made 3 more groups to develop the subtopics of our theme. In this way, the work became easier and more efficient. Now, I feel more comfortable in my team, I lost the fear of speaking. When I have a question, I write in the chat and my classmate respond. The topic that my team chose was Specific Learning Disabilities and Deaf / Hard of learning. I really learned too much through the presentation. The part that I did was the national and local organizations involved in Specific Learning Disabilities. On my group the students showed videos on their slides. Tama...

Rachel's Theme Project 2

I wanted to first say thank you to my wonderful classmates and professor Sinkoff. Group 1 talked about Visual and physical impairments. I really learned a lot about the presentation they did as a whole. Each member of the group addressed a different kind of impairment with detailed information, photographs, and videos. That day I was so sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep but when they were presenting, I was wide awake and was engaging to they information they gave. The slides also made me say “wow they did good”. I learned so much about Blurred vision, epilepsy, loss of peripheral vision, etc. they did amazing, and I want to thank them for choosing that topic and giving information about it. Group 2’s presentation was interesting and well planned out. Like I said I learned something new every time we’re doing a theme presentation even if this was our second one, but I learned a lot and I wanted to thank them for sharing. I myself didn’t know how autism and traumatic brain injury wer...

Jonh Marin

  Group 3 Presentations. Jonh Marin.   At the beginning of this class, we were divided into groups to carry out projects throughout the semester. In this presentation, all the groups had to talk about a main issue that is “Disabilities in our Society”. This topic has several disabilities for which they were distributed among the three groups of the class. We all had different disabilities to talk about in class. In my group we talk about deaf/hard of hearing and specific learning disabilities. Through the phones we were all able to communicate and select the disability of each one. After all of us do our part of the work, the leader of the group created the document in Google Slides. Through this, we were able to develop our own work on the slides. This helped us a lot since when it came to presenting our work, our classmates were able to understand us better. In our presentation we talk about very important topics. This helped us to understand many things, but the most im...
        Marceau Evariste          Professor Sinkoff          course -1017-2215         06 of June 2021                           Five hundred words summarizing the Course -1117-2215.       This six weeks semester if I m remembering was started on May 10 ,2021 ,and it will be done in the middle of June 2021. This class has about 35 students ,and divided into three groups of ten to thirteen members  .Each group is leaded by a leader responsible whose has potential experience to help others classmates , this course is teaching three times a week from 8 to ten fifteen in the morning ,and the professor is always on time and did what she planed to do .After class has been over the Professor required students to stay on line contact to work on our homework which is a good idea ,but some of us could not stay because we hav...
   Marceau Evariste                Summarizing  chapter #6        The difference between listening and hearing ? People often believe that hearing and listening are the same thing ,but they are not. Hearing is physiological process ,while listening is a cognitive process .Listening occurs only when we choose to attach meaning to what we hear .Listening is important for effective communication because we spend 50 % or more of our communication time listening.        We must overcome three major challenge based ,our personal listening style ,listening apprehension ,and processing approach to become effective listener .our listening style might be content oriented, people oriented, action oriented ,or time oriented .Listening apprehension is the anxiety we feel when trying to listening effectively, which can interfere with success .And the approach to listening may be unconscious and passive or c...
                       Marceau .Evariste                       Professor Sinkoff                       SPC -1017-2215                        Summarize  chapter 1,2 .                       21 of May 2021 . ,                                        Chapters 1, 2 ,6,7,8.Summarize.                     Communication perspectives, oral communication skills ,for example an article on the role of communication in the work place reported that in engineering a highly technical field .Speaking skill were very important for 72percent of the employe...
      Marceau Evariste       Professor   Sinkoof       Course -1017-2215        21 of May 2021                    Specific learning disability .    What is a specific learning disability ? When a group of people have specific learning disabilities refer to ongoing problems in one of three areas ,reading , writing and math ,which are fundamental to one's ability to learn . An estimated  5 to 15 percent of school age children struggle with a learning disability. An estimated 80 percent of those with learning disorders have reading disorder in particular [commonly referred to as dyslexia].One third of people with learning disabilities are also estimated to have attention -deficit hyperactivity disorder.      Other specific skills that may be impacted include the ability to put thoughts into written words ,sp...
     This semester looks like to be a good one ,on the first day of class 98% of students were presented .The instructor is very nice so far, she presented the semester with promise that every student is going to be happy at the end of the semester. The total of students are divided into three groups ,each has over 10 people ,and has for mission the presentation of their project.     However ,the first week of class was troublous to me ,because the system is very complicated to navigate ,and then I believe I have an helpful leader who is open to help the rest members of the group. Also our classmates are participates I ,m glad to one this team of students,


  Our first day of school was May 10 and I was a little scared because I did not know any of my classmates. Our teacher decided to divide the students into 3 groups, and I think that it was a great idea. I am in group number three. In my group there are 13 members, and they are very organized and studious. We created a WhatsApp group to communicate, and we chose a leader to represent our team. The leader divided the topic of our group among all the members. In this way the work became easier and more effective. I was scared because it is a communication class, and I am shy to speak. When I have any questions, I write in the chat and my classmates always respond. The first week of school I still did not have my book, and one of my classmates sent the photos to the WhatsApp group. My team presented Chapter 10. The topic was very useful because we learned to work as a team. Obviously, we put it into practice because we exchanged our thoughts and opinions. We did a power point, and eac...

Kenneth Torres

 Blog #1                 To begin with it is a honor working with group number 3. The reason why is that everyone work as a team everyone divided the work equal amount of work. last week when we started summer class our group were select by the professor we had two days to finished our first group project by next class. so we created a group and talk about what to do for our assignment. for group three we got chapter 10 so we have to summarize the Chapter 10 and do presentations based on chapter 10            In our group we have to chapter 10 so we have summarized the chapter in a powerpoint and we had to presented in front of the class. Each group had to do now chapter so group three had chapter 10. Our group was focus about "Group leadership and problem solving". In this chapter is mostly about the leadership.  in chapter 10 we had 15 pages to read and five we all divided work for each sub ...

Martha Gener

                                   REFLECTION      We were split into classes at the start of this class to work on assignments during the semester. My classmates and I debated who wanted to be the leader on the first day of class; no one wanted to be the leader because it brought more pressure to the schedule of life; however, because no one had taken the initiative, I volunteered to be the leader; however, in my group, we are all leaders and we all make and vote for final decisions.  Group 1: Intercultural Communication      Group 1 did chapter 3, they did a fantastic job explaining the basics of intercultural communication. Intercultural communication, as they demonstrated in their lecture, refers to the difficulties of interacting with people of different cultures. Apart from mine, I believe they are my favorite team so far; their slides we...

Kevin Baez presentation

I want to start off by saying that every group did a amazing job prestenting their topics.I was suprised that every group had enough timed to present that day. Group one was a interesting topic, they spoke about the fundamental of intercultural communication. This topic was already amazing because it speaks about Communication between different cultures, a perfect example is us hispanics speaking Spanish to each other. Group one did a great job presenting fundamental of intercultural communication perfect amount of slides and right amount of information on each slide and the videos gave a great understanding of their topic. Group two had to focus on the importance of communication as a group. this topic was perfect because they are already working in a group so it makes it easier for them to write about. communication within a group is very important because if you dont communicate in the group nothing will get done correctly. Group two did a great job presenting this topic nothing...


  I found this class very interesting. On the first day of class, the professor already gave us work to do. She separated us into three groups to do a presentation about the chapters of the book. In the beginning, I thought it was not going to be easy because normally people do not have communication skills and with everything online, some people were going to have bad internet or would not be able to completely express themselves through the computer. My group found ways so everybody could communicate. First, we created a What's app group chat where most of the people from the group could join. Our group leader made some group chat calls, people like it that way and they found a way to get the work done. I couldn't join the call since I was at work. People talked the whole through the chat to make sure everybody was doing their work. Once I got out of work, I started working on my part, my partner which I was supposed to work with. Was not in the group chat, I had to text her ...