Marceau Evariste                Summarizing  chapter #6

       The difference between listening and hearing ? People often believe that hearing and listening are the same thing ,but they are not. Hearing is physiological process ,while listening is a cognitive process .Listening occurs only when we choose to attach meaning to what we hear .Listening is important for effective communication because we spend 50 % or more of our communication time listening.

       We must overcome three major challenge based ,our personal listening style ,listening apprehension ,and processing approach to become effective listener .our listening style might be content oriented, people oriented, action oriented ,or time oriented .Listening apprehension is the anxiety we feel when trying to listening effectively, which can interfere with success .And the approach to listening may be unconscious and passive or conscious and active .

       Five steps in the active listening process are attending the process of willfully perceiving selected sounds ,understanding ,the process of accurately decoding a message ,remembering ,the process of moving information from short-term to long-term memory ,evaluating ,the process of critically analyzing what you hear ,and responding ,the process of providing feedback.


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