Kevin Baez presentation

I want to start off by saying that every group did a amazing job prestenting their topics.I was suprised that every group had enough timed to present that day. Group one was a interesting topic, they spoke about the fundamental of intercultural communication. This topic was already amazing because it speaks about Communication between different cultures, a perfect example is us hispanics speaking Spanish to each other. Group one did a great job presenting fundamental of intercultural communication perfect amount of slides and right amount of information on each slide and the videos gave a great understanding of their topic. Group two had to focus on the importance of communication as a group. this topic was perfect because they are already working in a group so it makes it easier for them to write about. communication within a group is very important because if you dont communicate in the group nothing will get done correctly. Group two did a great job presenting this topic nothing i will change. Group three was the group i was part of we did group leadership and problem sloving. This topic was pretty straightforward, each group needs a leader they can depnd on to lead them into the right direction and that can swiftly make decisions within the group. problem solving is a great step foward of the leader role within the group, without moments notice sloving problems within the group itself or constructing the project problem solving plays a strong role, this give a chance for any group member to step


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